On Monday the 27th January two 1st year classes from St Columba’s College braved the elements to move their classrooms outdoors, to take part in activities that highlighted the fundamentals of forest and tree ecology through the Investigate Forests initiative. Just a short walk from Drumboe Forest park, the students of St Columba’s are very [...]
Candidates.ie and the Environmental Education Unit (EEU) of An Taisce have today announced a partnership to help candidates promote their policies online and reduce the carbon footprint of the election by planting thousands of trees. The first election of a new decade provides a chance to do things differently so candidates.ie and EEU An Taisce [...]
300 students from 11 schools attended the annual Green-Schools Global Goals Conference in the Radisson Hotel, Little Island, Cork on Tuesday November 12. At the conference students learnt about the UN Sustainable Development Goals and how they are helping to achieve these Global Goals through their work on the Green-Schools programme. The work they do [...]
This year, Green-Schools and LEAF Ireland have teamed up to deliver 100 workshops to schools working on the Green-Schools Biodiversity theme, across Ireland. Over five thousand students will directly benefit from this exciting new initiative that has been made possible through funding from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. These workshops focus [...]
LEAF Ireland was delighted to host the annual LEAF National Operators Meeting (NOM) 2019, which took place in Castleconnell, Co. Limerick over three days, March 26 - 28. Delegates from twenty-eight countries including Mongolia, Malaysia, Brazil, Tanzania and many more, arrived in the village of Castleconnell, Co. Limerick, to take part in the international conference [...]
An Choill Bheag is a wonderful initiative of LEAF Ireland and on the 6th & 7th of February 2019, Thomond Community College planted our Choill Bheag in our school grounds. There was a palpable air of excitement among the 2nd Year Woodwork students as the boots and wellies were put on in preparation for the [...]
As part of Paul Simon's farewell tour, he generously donated to organisations doing positive work on the ground. The LEAF programme was his chosen environmental charity in Ireland. LEAF Ireland has embarked on a new initiative, ‘An Choill Bheag’ with the aim of planting a series of small native woodlands on school grounds, for schools [...]
Paul Simon’s farewell tour and concert at the RDS last July may now be consigned to the memory of his many fans, however, the music maestro has left more than memories for people to enjoy! Simon is spreading an important message about climate change and biodiversity loss to his fans. But this isn’t just bluster [...]
We are planning to plant four more Tiny Forests with four of the current LEAF schools this school year. We will be emailing out a letter after the midterm break to call for expressions of interest from schools. You can ask your LEAF Officer for more details. As this is a pilot programme, we are [...]
It is autumn and we are going to be back visiting out four pilot Tiny Forests that were planted in March earlier this year. The four LEAF schools where we planted Tiny Forests are: Fedamore NS, Limerick Educate Together NS, Scoil Mháthair Dé (South Circular Road) and Our Lady Queen of Peace in Janesboro. All [...]