• October 26, 2018

National Operators Meeting to be hosted by LEAF Ireland March 2019

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LEAF Ireland is delighted to announce that the LEAF National Operators Meeting (NOM) will be held in Ireland, March 2019. The annual meeting provides an opportunity for LEAF National Operators (NO) to meet and engage with other countries that are running the LEAF programme. NOs are responsible for programme development in their own country and [...]

  • October 26, 2018

B.Ed. Students from Mary Immaculate College Learn about Forests

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Monday 22 October, a group of third year students studying Geography and Global Learning met with LEAF Officers, Ray Foley and Rachel Geary, in Coillte’s Curragh Chase Forest Park. Their lecturer, Anne Dolan, was keen for her students to learn about the LEAF programme and encourage these soon to be teachers to bring their own [...]

  • July 18, 2018

Native Woodlands Conference, Wicklow

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LEAF Officers, Ray Foley and Niamh Ní Dhúill, attended the Native Woodlands Conference in Delgany, County Wicklow, April 30th to May 1st. The conference brought together academics, foresters, government departments, land owners and other stakeholders with an interest in restoring Ireland's native woodlands. The conference consisted of talks and site visits, including a trip to [...]

  • July 18, 2018

LEAF National Operators Meeting, Greece

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LEAF Coordinator, Niamh Ní Dhúill, attended the LEAF National Operators Meeting (NOM) in Greece, between the 20th and 22nd of April. These annual NOMs provide an opportunity for National Operators to meet and engage with other countries that are running the LEAF programme. National Operators get to share ideas and look at ways to improve [...]

  • July 18, 2018

LEAF schools planting Tiny Forests

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Four of the LEAF schools took part in a new Programme called 'Tiny Forests'. The schools were: Scoil Mháthair Dé, Fedamore NS, Limerick Educate Together and Our Lady Queen of Peace. Tiny forests are small sense native woodlands, planted close together. The main aim is to create spaces on the school grounds, which will be [...]

  • July 18, 2018

School’s Out for Summer!

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The second year of the LEAF programme has come to an end. The LEAF Team worked with 36 schools from the Limerick City and County from Autumn 2017 to June 2018.  This means that almost 1,000 students were involved in learning about forests, along with their teachers and parents.  Work with the schools included a [...]

  • July 18, 2018

Secondary Schools take part in the LEAF programme

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Salesian College Pallaskenry was one of three secondary schools which took part in the pilot stage of the LEAF programme this year. Thirty 2nd Year students took part in School and Forest Based Workshops. As the school is very close to Curragh Chase Forest Park, travel time was only fifteen minutes each way, meaning the [...]

  • February 5, 2018

Guide to planting a bare root tree – February 2018

Learn how to plant a bare-rooted tree in your own schools grounds or garden.  The best time to plant them if from October until the end of March - so you still have time! Planting barerooted trees February 2018    

  • November 13, 2017

LEAF Acorn Planting Guide Autumn 2017

Here is our acorn planting guide.  2017 has been a mast year for acorns and we collected them with schools in the forest and brought them to schools to be planted.  We may not have another amount like this for another few years - so get planting! The guide can be downloaded at this link [...]

  • September 21, 2017

International Plant a Tree for Peace Day with Ahane NS – 21st September 2017

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Planting a native oak tree with the pupils from Ahane NS on our first day back in Curragh Chase Forest Park to mark International Plant a Tree for Peace Day on September 21st 2017.