We're encouraging the nation to take part in a fantastic Citizen Science project with our sister programme GLOBE Ireland to map, measure and share valuable tree data with EPA Ireland and NASA. The data for the project is being gathered over the month of March. You can help us to learn more about ecosystem resilience, [...]
Once again, LEAF Ireland was delighted to receive funding from the Department of Food, Agriculture, and the Marine (DAFM) under the Forestry Promotion Projects 2023/2024. This work built on the previous DAFM funded projects. LEAF is an international programme with FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) run nationally by An Taisce The overall aim of this pilot project was to promote and create greater [...]
Learning about Ecosystems and Forests (LEAF) An Taisce’s LEAF programme addresses the Biodiversity and Climate Crisis by providing Nature-based Solutions, working with educational institutions, communities, and businesses nationwide to protect, restore and educate about the importance of our ecosystems and the multi-functional benefits of our forests. Within educational institutions, LEAF goes beyond educating about topics such [...]
LEAF Ireland and Coillte are delighted to be working together again this year to deliver four new Na Coillte Beaga (little woodlands) in schools around Ireland. This year, the schools are in counties: Carlow, Kerry, Wicklow, and Donegal. Coillte is providing the native trees for the students to plant and is funding the delivery of [...]
33 WOODLANDS, 5,850 TREES PLANTED IN JUST 3 YEARS Forests are key to combating climate change, they help purify our water, and can assist with prevention of local flooding, they help clean our air, they help create microclimates, they provide a habitat for 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, they provide food, fibre, building materials [...]
LEAF Ireland is delighted to be working with Tipperary County Council, Coláiste Dún Iascaigh and the local Tidy Towns group to plant and care for 200 native trees in Cahir Town Park as part of the An Choill Bheag initiative. This An Choill Bheag project is kindly being funded by Tipperary County Council. Back in [...]
What better way to celebrate 20 years than to plant a small native woodland. Tralee Educate Together National School (TETNS) was delighted when LEAF Ireland approached them and asked if they would be interested in planting a Choill Bheag (Little Woodland) on the grounds of Tralee Bay Wetlands. During National Tree Week, the senior classes [...]
LEAF Ireland was delighted to team up with Limerick City and County Council, and the GoGreenRoutes project, to plant a Choill Bheag, a small, native woodland, along the Greenway in Castletroy. This An Choill Bheag project is kindly being funded by GS Memorial Foundation. An Choill Bheag (AnCB) is a long-term educational, tree planting programme, an [...]
Laois County Council and LEAF Ireland are planting four Na Coillte Beaga (little woodlands) in three schools and one Education Centre in Portlaoise, which has been designated a Decarbonisation Zone. 800 native trees will be planted in total. The four sites are Holy Family, Scoil Bhríde, Summerhill Campus and Portlaoise Education Centre. An Choill Bheag is a long-term educational [...]
Since September 2021, LEAF Ireland and Green-Schools have been working together to deliver Investigate Woodlands workshops to 100 Green-Schools from around the country. Approximately 5,000 students were directly engaged in the workshops and activities during the school visits. These workshops focused on tree planting activities, lessons highlighting the cultural heritage of Ireland’s woodlands, the contribution of trees [...]