
The first step to taking part in the Green-Schools programme is to register with us. Following this you will be sent all the information you need to begin working on the first theme: Litter & Waste. Registration can take place at any time of year.

After working on this theme for a minimum of one full school year schools can then apply for the Green Flag award. The deadline for schools applying for this award for the first time is in early December each year. In 2016 the deadline is Friday, December 2nd.

Following the award of your first Green Flag, each subsequent application is a “Renewal”, so-called as you are “renewing” your Green Flag award under a new theme. Schools must submit renewal applications every two years.

Schools applying for their renewal Green Flags (Energy, Water, Travel, Biodiversity and the three Global Citizenship themes) must first complete an assessment visit from a Green-Schools officer or Environment Awareness Officer and then complete their renewal application. The deadline for renewal applications is usually in March each year; in 2017 the deadline is Friday, March 24th.

Application forms

Our new online application forms are under construction; please check back soon for updates. If you have any questions about your application contact us for more information.